1. Wall St. gets its name from a physical wooden wall that was built to protect the Dutch settlement from American indians
There are varying accounts about how the Dutch-named “de Waalstraat”[12] got its name. A generally accepted version is that the name of the street was derived from a wall (actually a wooden palisade) on the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement, built to protect against Native Americans, pirates, and the British. A conflicting explanation is that Wall Street was named after Walloons—the Dutch name for a Walloon is Waal.[13] Among the first settlers that embarked on the ship “Nieu Nederlandt” in 1624 were 30 Walloon families. While the Dutch word “wal” can be translated as “rampart”, it only appeared as “de Walstraat” on English maps of New Amsterdam. However, even some English maps show the name as Waal Straat, and not as Wal Straat.[12]
According to one version of the story:
The red people from Manhattan Island crossed to the mainland, where a treaty was made with the Dutch, and the place was therefore called the Pipe of Peace, in their language, Hoboken. But soon after that, the Dutch governor, Kieft, sent his men out there one night and massacred the entire population. Few of them escaped, but they spread the story of what had been done, and this did much to antagonize all the remaining tribes against all the white settlers. Shortly after, Nieuw Amsterdam erected a double palisade for defense against its now enraged red neighbors, and this remained for some time the northern limit of the Dutch city. The space between the former walls is now called Wall Street, and its spirit is still that of a bulwark against the people.[14]
2. Wall St. is a metonym, a word that means “The Financial Industry.”
Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York–based financial interests.[5]
3. Although most big financial institutions on the East Coast have or have had Headquarters on Wall St., especially since 911, many of them have moved to Midtown, New Jersey, or elsewhere.
4. Alexander Hamilton is buried under Trinity Church on Wall St., and this was the location for George Washington to be sworn in as first president of the United States.
In 1789 Wall Street was the scene of the United States’ first presidential inauguration when George Washington took the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall on April 30, 1789. This was also the location of the passing of the Bill Of Rights. Alexander Hamilton, who was the first Treasury secretary and “architect of the early United States financial system,” is buried in the cemetery of Trinity Church, as is Robert Fulton famed for his steamboats.[26][27]
5. Wall St. is home to the first U.S. Government building, before Washington D.C. was created – this building is known as “Federal Hall.”
Federal Hall is the name given to the first of two historic buildings located at 26 Wall Street, New York City. The original, a Greek Revival structure completed in 1703, served as New York’s first City Hall. It was the site where the colonial Stamp Act Congress met to draft its message to King George III claiming entitlement to the same rights as the residents of Britain and protesting “taxation without representation“.
After the American Revolution, in 1785, the building served as meeting place for the Congress of the Confederation, the nation’s first central government under the Articles of Confederation. With the establishment of the United States federal government in 1789, it was renamed Federal Hall, as it hosted the 1st Congress and was the place where George Washington was sworn in as the nation’s first president. It was demolished in 1812.
The current structure, completed in 1842 and one of the best surviving examples of neoclassical architecture in New York, was built as the U.S. Custom House for the Port of New York.[4] Later it served as a sub-Treasury building. Though never referred to as “Federal Hall”, today it is operated by the National Park Service as a national memorial and designated the Federal Hall National Memorial to commemorate the historic events that occurred at the previous structure.
6. Although Wall St. is seen by the public as a domestic financing cartel, they are even more active overseas and have even been involved in financing regime changes including the Bolsheviks.
As we have often explained in our book Splitting Pennies, the world is not as it seems. Politics often polarizes a country it seems every election there becomes ‘two’ Americas but the current polarization seems to be that of ‘rational’ and ‘irrational’ whereas on one side, there are facts; and on the other, hysterical opinions. While no evidence was provided that any Russians ‘hacked’ the mere accusation in absentia is ‘proof’ for the irrational left that it was the Russians. “Blame it on the Russians” seems to be the scapegoat story of the day, perhaps lingering from the previous generation that came to power during the cold war. It’s a bunch of nonsense, the entire Russian narrative is a fantasy created by intelligence operatives as a propaganda effort to smear Trump and anyone who doesn’t fall into the Leftist/Liberal mindframe. As any American who has ever been through the justice system in America knows, you are guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around. Someone can sue you or call the cops and make any false claims and the burden is on you to prove it is false. If the complaining witness is the US Government itself, you can forget about any ‘rights’ you may have had or the right to a fair trial (they have immunity and other powers that prevent any fair and reasonable defense if you are targeted). As usual, these aggressive and toxic forces that are attacking Trump politically from inside the deep-state are exploiting the masses lack of education of history, so we would like to here expose perhaps one of the most important looked over historical facts pertinent to understanding the deep roots of the relationship between USA and Russia. MUST READ: Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution.
Russia was ruled by a Monarchy similar to the rest of Europe until 1917 when the Bolshevik’s staged a successful coup of the Kerensky regime thus installing a Soviet Dictatorship run by the Communist Party until its collapse in 1991.
The 1917 Revolution was financed by and orchestrated by Wall St. – Not only did New York bankers provide money, they allowed safe passage to Russia revolutionaries like Trotsky and others by use of diplomatic cover by the US and other governments. The main character in this play was Thompson, wealthy banker and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Most of the bankers had first degree relationships with J.P. Morgan himself (the man, and the firm). MUST READ: Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution.

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