From upnorthlife MARQUETTE COUNTY, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU) — A local surfing legend in Marquette is...
Thought 2 Go There is a Temple called Padmanabhaswamy in Thiruvananthapuram, India, in which there are...
from bloomberg On the outskirts of Otsuchi, a town battered by the 2011 tsunami,...
from mentalfloss Her tricky smile and timeless allure have inspired academic study and artistic...
from medium Itturned out that not all fiction is fiction, and not all myth,...
from sciencealert We know that our minds can imagine faces everywhere there’s a...
from majesticprints This image has been in our line-up for some time now,...
from theatlantic Wolfspark Werner Freund is a wolf sanctuary spread over 25 acres in...
from There are countless magical buildings in China, some of which have become...
from cnbc Bill Gates isn’t known to be a frivolous spender. He (along with Warren Buffett and...